Your Au-Pair video must include the following instructions
- 1st part: present yourself and / or your family (max. 1 minute)
- 2nd part: indoor activity with children
- 3th part: outdoor activity with children
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Aupair activities only with 1 - 3 children.
No group-activity will be acepted!
You will be an Aupair, usualy with 1 - 4 children to care. You will not be a leader of a kinder- or adolescent-group.
Length: between 3 - 5 minutes
Quality: normal. You can film with your phone.
- 1st part: Could be in english or german
- 2nd and 3th part: in english or spanish (if you are a native spanish Aupair)
Music: you can use music.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: please make sure that the music is on such a low level that the viewer can understand you. Also in the 2nd and 3th part it is necesary to
hear the voices and what they are talking about.
You have to upload your video on youtube.
For technical risks we don´t open any attached archive you will send.